Thursday, February 28, 2013

I'm still alive.

I'm still alive. I'm sorry I've neglected you. I really had great intentions of following through with that blog-olution. I've made tons of new foods and new recipes and tried things I've never done before. I've just been too busy to post them! I'm sorry!
(I'm sorry I just yelled at you.)
I'll try to do better next time.
Just so you know, my recipes that I developed over the summer while I was with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association are up on How exciting!
(I'm sorry I yelled again.)
Here are the links for the two most thoroughly tested recipes I have ever developed.
They're photographed better, too. Professional and stuff. -- If you haven't noticed, I am not a professional photographer. Try to contain your surprise...
Creole Steak with Jambalaya this is a great recipe if you are looking for something pretty quick and filling.
Popcorn Steak Bites This is a great recipe if you want to get your kids in the kitchen. They can choose the chips, smash 'em up, and do the dunking and dredging business so you can keep your hands clean. If I was a kid, I would love this recipe. Actually, I love it now.
And I hope you like them too! And I hope I'll be back soon! And I hope I won't yell so much next time!

-- Krissy

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