Saturday, January 5, 2013


Sorry that I disappeared from the face of the earth for the last month. Between final exams, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and visiting my favorite two year old, I have been a little preoccupied by the real world. But I'm back now! And I intend to ignore the real world for a while.

Today, I am going to write a post that does not contain a recipe. It's a new year. I'm trying a new thing

I don't usually make resolutions. Sure, every January I think about how I want to eat healthier and exercise more at all. I tell myself that this is the year I will stay organized. My apartment will stay clean. I will live in a land that is perfect in every way. Then I continue on my merry way.

That is not happening this year and these are not those kinds of resolutions; these are blog resolutions: blogolutions! They are also solutions to the problems I have encountered in writing this blog; blog solutions: blogolutions! It works on so many levels. I'm putting these in writing, so I have to be accountable to my (two) readers if I should fail them. So, here they are.


Blogolution Numero Uno: Try something new every week. Whether it is a recipe, a food, a technique, or any other food-type thing. I would like to try something new every week and write a  little posty-post to tell you, loyal reader, how it went/tasted/failed.

This week I am going to try turnips. I bought them today.

Blogolution Numbero Dos: Post a new blog every week. Even if it's short or, heaven forbid, doesn't have any very amateur photography, I would like to post something every week. I guess every post doesn't have to be a 287 page explanation of the proper layering procedure for Mexican Lasagna...

Any other suggestions from the audience?

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