Saturday, June 23, 2012

In the beginning, there was food. And it was good.

I've been trying to start this blog for a while now. Actually I have started it. I have been posting and revising and re-posting this one post months for now. It was just supposed to be a description of me, but I've never been good at talking about myself. So I'm scratching that idea. What I really want to talk about is food.

I've also been struggling to come up with a title. I've thought of title after title and liked each one less than the last. The current title came to me yesterday. I was, once again, trying to name this blog so that I could get this show on the road. I had written down a few titles and finally typed "I'll name this later. What matters now is the FOOD" in the box. Today I shortened it, and there it is - Food Matters, because it's the food that matters, not the title. And if I think of one I like better, I can always rename it later.

I'm not sure where this blog is going to go, but there will be food

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